Wallace Rockhole
Wallace Rockhole is 120km from Alice Springs in the Western MacDonnell Ranges and together with nearby Hermannsburg, forms the Ljirapinta Ward of the MacDonnell Regional Council. Wallace Rockhole is a Western Arrarnta community with a population of 67 residents that was founded by the Abbott family in the early 1970s as an outstation of the Hermannsburg Mission.
Services provided in Wallace Rockhole by the MacDonnell Regional Council include cemetery maintenance, rubbish collection and tip maintenance, internal roads maintenance, parks and open spaces and sporting grounds. MacDonnell Council is also contracted by Power Water Corporation to maintain water supply facilities, Australia Post to provide postal delivery services and by Centrelink to provide its services through an agency in its Council office.
Read about MacDonnell Regional Council upgrades at Wallace Rockhole.
With its attractive setting, community members have developed tourism, particularly for day visitors but also for overnight campers. Other services of the Wallace Rockhole community include the school, store and a fuel service.

Wallace Rockhole's full amenity campgrounds

Guided tours of ancient rock carvings at the Wallace Rockhole